• When another climber is on the wall and the problem you want to try intersects with the other or is too close by, please wait your turn. 

  • Don’t ever walk below a climber who's on the wall. 

  • Any area where there are mats are considered “fall zones”. 

  • Stay out of the “fall zones”, unless you are approaching the wall to climb or are spotting a fellow climber. 

  • Once you reach the top, please down climb using the handle holds or larger holds instead of jumping down. 

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times and be mindful of the other climbers. 

  • Please no running in the gym. 

  • The mats are not for sitting or lounging. Please use the benches, tables and chairs when you're taking five. 

  • Encourage your fellow climbers, but let them do some figuring out on their own. One of the biggest joys of bouldering is the challenge and thrill of figuring out a problem, how to move from one hold to the next. Before offering the solution to a problem you've accomplished, ask the climber if they would like a hint! In climbing terms; No Beta Spraying!