Klimat is pleased to offer an adult private coaching to introduce beginners to the sport of bouldering.
Come learn and practice the basics of bouldering with a private coach in an engaging, safe, fun and friendly environment
You have never climbed before
You are very new to climbing
You want a basic understanding of what bouldering involves
** Please note that a basic level of fitness is required to participate in this class **
Through this comprehensive program, participants will learn about the safety, technical, physical and mental aspects of indoor bouldering. They will:
Learn how to be safe on the wall with awareness of climbing etiquette
Gain knowledge of the basic movements and techniques used in bouldering and learn how to climb more efficiently
Improve bouldering performance through the analysis of specific climbing drills and deliberate skill practice
Explore climbing terminology (i.e. climbing holds, foot/hand positions, body positions, climbing vocabulary/lingo, etc…)
Be introduced to the basic components of climbing training (i.e. warm-up, cool-down, basic strength training and injury prevention)
Explore the psychological aspects of climbing
Improve fitness, strength, stamina and flexibility